Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wired's GeekDad

5 Ways Disney’s New Cruise Ship Will be Wired for Family Fun

There seems to be a particular affection for most things Disney within the geek community. I love the title of this section. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gadgets and Tools

Why did you never tell me about that? I hear this all the time so I will start posting info on gadgets and tools I use.

Google Search
Search for anything on Google with any text phone. Send a SMS text message to 46645. In the body enter the search phrase and hit send. In a few seconds Google will return responses via text messages.  You may receive more than one text message back.

For the text challenged I have trick for you. Call 800-466-4411 an automated voice will ask for your search query and it will tell you the search results.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New show

Well this was a good secret, I heard about a new show but did not know the details.

The show is called “Villains Tonight!” and it is the first full-scale musical production dedicated to the Disney villains. The show is a family-friendly comedy that places our famous evil-doers in some irreverent funny moments.

Some new pictures that were posted on DCL's facebook page

The ice was this bad the last time I was at the yard.

This last picture is the bridge being lifted and moved into place.  In the FAQ I created below it talks about the ship being made in blocks.  The pictures above show two of the blocks that make up the ship.