Thursday, February 14, 2013

Password pet peeve

There is so much concern over identity theft and hacking but many large institutions have very poor login procedures for getting into their systems.  The standard the mouse uses is listed below.  This is bare minimum requirement.  As more deviants cause issues there will be more companies going to 2-factor logins which will be a pain but a necessary evil.  My advice to any web development team is to beef up your login requirements now to avoid immediate problems.  Two major financial intuitions, not going to name any names, that manages my retirement monies have the weakest login credentials.  One site actually limits the username to six characters and password to 8 characters. This site also disallows Non-alphanumeric symbols.   Really gets my goat, since my employer chooses the firm I can only complain and not move to another company!     



Tips for Creating a New Password

·         Username must be at least six (8) characters long

·         Passwords must be at least eight (8) characters long.

·         Passwords must contain characters from at least three (3) of the following four (4) classes:

    Description Examples:

o    English Upper Case Letters A, B, C, ... Z

o    English Lower Case Letters a, b, c, ... z

o    Westernized Arabic Numerals 0, 1, 2, ... 9

o    Non-alphanumeric ("Special characters") e.g., punctuation symbols.

Passwords should not contain your user name or any part of your full name.

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