Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tsingtao beer festival

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Gregg Wagner

More pictures to come...... Words will never explain what we experienced

I posted more pictures of the festival in the Google+ album mentioned in my previous post.  the only way I can describe the festival is to think of it as a giant state fair; but on a magnitude of 10x larger.  Everyone was having a good time and outside of the crowds we had no issues with safety.  Not having a local speaker with us was a hinderance as there was no English  except at the Paulaner and Carlsberg names.  The event had a very large toilet facility setup but our group enjoyed the festival just enough to keep our bladders in check to avoid a long wait at the bathroom.  

When the Japanese were in control they brought the tradition of drinking liquids out of bowls.  To this day many of the Chinese buy their beer in plastic bags to take home and drink out of a bowl.

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